Thaumetopoea processionea L. found in Denmark

by Bjarne Skule and Flemming Vilhelmsen

Thaumetopoea processionea L. was caught for the first time in Denmark in 1996. A total of 26 males were registered mostly from lighttraps in the period from 16.8-5.9.1996. The article list the records, and notes the characteristics of the species compared to Thaumetopoea pinivora Tr. which is the other Thaumatopoea found in Denmark. From the literature notes on the biology of the species are given, and the outburst in Holland in August 1996 is seen as a reason to believe that the Danish specimens originates from a position southwest of Denmark. The weather in this period indicates that migrations from southwest is more probable than migrations from southeast where populations of processionea also occurs as pests in the Brandenburg area of Germany.

Fig. 2. Danske eksemplarer af Thaumetopoea processionea L., alle hanner. t.v. Kongeskov, Lolland, 27.-30.viii.1996, m. Kramnitse, Lolland, 24.-30.viii.-1996, t.v. Købelev Skov, Lolland, 24.-30.viii-1996, alle leg. Fl. Vilhelmsen og B. Skule. Disse eksemplarer er ganske typiske for udseendet af processionspinderhanner der er kommet til lys! (Foto: Fl. Vilhelmsen).
3 males found in Denmark on Lolland 24-30/8 1996. They are typical examples of the poor quality of Thaumetopoea imagines when found at light!

Fig. 3. Nyklækkede eksemplarer af T. processionea L., øverst hun og nederst han. Begge eksemplarer er fra Holland, Goirle, ult. juli 1993, leg. H. Spijkers. (Foto: P. Stadel Nielsen)

Fresh female and male (below) of T. processionea. Both are ex. larva from Holland, 1993, leg. H. Spijkers

Fig. 4. Prikkort over de danske fund af T. processionea L. i 1996. De i alt 26 individer er med stor sandsynlighed kommet fra Holland med sydvestlige vinde.
Distribution map showing findings of T. processionea in Denmark 1996. Totally 26 individuals arrived with south-western wind from Holland.

december 25, 1997